Fixed Modality

Fixed modality symbol image
Meaning Indicator


ⓘ Find out by making a birth chart.

Fixed Modality’s Characteristics

Characteristics of Fixed Modality

  • Determined
  • Reliable
  • Unwavering

The fixed modality is associated with the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Fixed signs have a strong and unwavering nature, and they excel at bringing stability, determination, and persistence to their endeavors.

People with a strong fixed influence in their birth charts tend to be reliable and consistent in their actions and decisions. They have a clear sense of direction and purpose, and they are committed to achieving their goals no matter what obstacles they may face. They have a strong sense of self and are generally comfortable with themselves, which allows them to be resilient in the face of challenges.

Those with a fixed modality also tend to be loyal and trustworthy in their relationships. They value long-term commitments and take their promises seriously, and they tend to have a deep respect for tradition and history. They may have a tendency to be possessive or jealous in relationships, but this is often a result of their strong attachment to the people and things that they value.

In addition, individuals with a fixed modality tend to be self-reliant and independent. They have a strong sense of their own values and priorities, and they are often self-motivated to pursue their own goals and interests. They may have a tendency to be stubborn or inflexible at times, but this is often a result of their strong convictions and principles.

The fixed modality is also linked to the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses. These houses are traditionally associated with resources, creativity, transformation, and community, respectively.

Lacking Fixed Modality

Characteristics of Lacking Fixed Modality

  • Flighty
  • Non-committal
  • Unsettled

People with a lack of fixed modality may have a tendency to be indecisive and lack direction in their lives. They may struggle with committing to long-term goals or plans, and may have a tendency to be easily swayed by others. This can lead to a feeling of restlessness or dissatisfaction, as they may not feel grounded in their own sense of purpose.

Those with a lack of fixed modality may also struggle with maintaining relationships and commitments. They may have a tendency to be flighty or non-committal, and may struggle with following through on their promises. This can lead to strained relationships with loved ones and colleagues, as others may perceive them as unreliable or flaky.

Furthermore, individuals with a lack of fixed modality may also struggle with developing a sense of self and establishing a strong identity. They may have a tendency to be easily influenced by others or to take on different personas in different situations. This can lead to a feeling of confusion or a lack of clarity about who they truly are.

By focusing on developing a sense of stability and consistency in their lives, and by working to develop a strong sense of self and personal values, individuals with a lack of fixed modality can tap into their potential for adaptability, creativity, and openness.

Excessive Fixed Modality

Characteristics of Excessive Fixed Modality

  • Obsessive
  • Rigid
  • Stubborn

On the flip side, people with an excess of fixed modality may struggle with adaptability and change. They may become too comfortable in their routines and resist changes that challenge their established patterns. This can lead to a feeling of stagnation or a lack of growth, as they may not be open to new experiences or perspectives.

Those with an excess of fixed modality may also have a tendency to be possessive or territorial in their relationships. They value long-term commitments and take their promises seriously, but they may struggle with sharing and compromising. This can lead to conflict in their relationships, as their partners or loved ones may feel suffocated or restricted.

Moreover, individuals with an excess of fixed modality may also struggle with accepting feedback or constructive criticism. They may be very set in their ways and resistant to new ideas or perspectives. This can lead to a feeling of isolation or a lack of collaboration, as others may perceive them as unyielding or inflexible.

By recognizing the value of flexibility and seeking out new experiences and perspectives, they can broaden their horizons and find greater fulfillment in their lives.

More About Fixed Modality

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