Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Seven of Swords tarot card image
Meaning Indicator


Seven of Swords’ Upright & Reversed Meanings

Seven of Swords (Reversed, Lacking)

Ideas: Compensation, ethic, straightforwardness

Traits: Courteous, honest, open, practical, principled, realistic, responsible

Emotions: Caring, compassion, gladness, optimism, relief

  • Actions:
    • Acting ethically in public and in private
    • Asking for permission
    • Dealing with people directly
    • Having an open discussion
    • Refusing to do something dishonest, even when there’s no chance of ever being caught
    • Returning things that are not yours to the owner
Seven of Swords (Upright, Balanced)

Ideas: Assumptions, presumption, stealth

Traits: Cautious, clever, confidential, discreet, private, quiet, secretive, slow

Emotions: Apprehension, hope, insecurity, nervousness, uneasiness

  • Actions:
    • Dodging unwanted questions in a discreet manner
    • Getting by a situation in a clever manner
    • Handling a difficult situation with finesse
    • Living a life that is beyond reproach
    • Pointing out assumptions
    • Taking things easy
Seven of Swords (Upright, Excessive)

Ideas: Prank, sabotage, spy

Traits: Amoral, cowardly, dishonest, greedy, irresponsible, lazy, scheming, timid

Emotions: Annoyance, envy, frustration, irritation, jealousy, pride

  • Actions:
    • Doing whatever you can get away with, simply because you can
    • Failing to examine your own motives and prejudices
    • Justifying wicked behavior by focusing on the wickedness of others
    • Looking for a way around consequences
    • Slacking off
    • Stealing or lying
    • Taking the easy way out

Seven of Swords’ Advice

Personal Growth

You may fool others, but you cannot fool yourself. When you’re alone, how do you behave? Your answer will provide meaningful insights into your true character.


If you could cheat and get away with it, would you? Your answer says a lot about you … and your sense of commitment. Secrets are toxic to healthy relationships. Act with integrity, and demand integrity in those closest to you. If you’ve wronged someone, accept the consequences.


Embody honesty in the workplace. The smallest dishonest indulgence numbs the conscience, opening the door to larger abuses. Reign in a tendency to do as little as you can. Rather than “get by,” do your best, even if it won’t always be appreciated.


While you must not obsess on darkness, you must confront your own Shadow from time to time. To what extent do you live up to your own highest standards? In what situations is your dedication to Spirit challenged most? To gain strength, learn from your weaknesses.

Seven of Swords’ Symbols & Insights

The Sneaky Man

Rider–Waite–Smith-inspired illustrations often depict a sneaky figure, tip-toeing away with stolen goods. He carries five (the number of chaos), but leaves behind two (the number of duality). When you do something dishonest, you invite chaos into your life, and force others to question their high opinions of you.

The Encampment

In the background of many Rider–Waite–Smith-inspired cards, we see a cluster of distant tents. Is the figure in the foreground an outsider, come to steal … or an insider, taking advantage of his own people? Your answer may reveal important assumptions you make without even thinking about them.

Shifted Perspective

By focusing so completely on his prize, the character on this card might not foresee unexpected complications. Assumptions can blind us, keeping us from seeing critical information. What are you overlooking today?

The Marseilles Image

The Sword in the center is increasingly constrained by the curved blades surrounding it. The logic of the group (the six Swords) often limits new thought (the one Sword). In what ways are your own ideas being limited by the assumptions others have taught you to make?

More About Seven of Swords Tarot Card

Don’t assume people around you are worthy of your trust.
Ask for an accounting of where people have been, and what they’ve been doing.
Between February 9 and February 18
“I hold myself to the highest ethical standards.”
Numerology Number
(the motive: imagination, inner work, psychology)
Astrology Element
Astrology Planet in Sign
Moon in Aquarius
The main character has an opportunity to win using dishonest means.
Questions to Ask
What assumptions am I making?
How well-defined is my sense of ethics?
How should I respond when I know others are breaking the rules?
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