The Lovers Tarot Card Meanings

The Lovers tarot card image
Meaning Indicator


The Lovers’ Upright & Reversed Meanings

The Lovers (Reversed, Lacking)

Ideas: Incompatibility, options, self-love, separation

Traits: Cautious, hesitant, indecisive, independent, one-sided, uncooperative

Emotions: Annoyance, disappointment, frustration, infatuation, sadness

  • Actions:
    • Falling out of love
    • Giving space to yourself and others
    • Leaving an incompatible relationship
    • Loving yourself first before others
    • Picking another choice
    • Pondering the options
    • Separating yourself from other people
    • Taking a break in a relationship
The Lovers (Upright, Balanced)

Ideas: Togetherness, unity, well-informed decisions

Traits: Attractive, cooperative, friendly, genuine, helpful, open, passionate, romantic, vulnerable, warm

Emotions: Affection, attraction, fondness, love, passion, satisfaction

  • Actions:
    • Aligning yourself with groups or like-minded others
    • Balancing relationships and other life aspects
    • Bringing people together
    • Expressing passion or romantic feelings
    • Making well-informed decisions
    • Resolving conflicts with others
    • Showing your love to others
The Lovers (Upright, Excessive)

Ideas: Ill-informed decisions, multiple partners, unhealthy desire

Traits: Dependent, greedy, hurried, idealistic, possessive, unappreciative

Emotions: Envy, fear, jealousy, lust

  • Actions:
    • Allowing an unhealthy desire for love to motivate destructive behavior
    • Clinging to unhealthy relationships
    • Expecting everyone to like you
    • Having multiple romantic partners
    • Idealizing relationships
    • Making ill-informed decisions
    • Neglecting life aspects other than relationships
    • Taking love for granted

The Lovers’ Advice

Personal Growth

Now is a good time to deal with outstanding issues related to sexuality and relationships. Rather than be overwhelmed with Hollywood-style passion, consider the extent to which your qualities might be balanced or enhanced by those of your potential partner. In other areas, find your passion and pursue it.


This is a time to celebrate unity, love, and romance in all its forms. Souls are coming together, and a unique opportunity exists for people to enjoy an unusual degree of interdependence and cooperation. Let your heart guide your choices today.


Call group meetings, pursue mergers, and find solid business partners during this rare opportunity for successful cooperation. Pay special attention to opportunities to supply what others need. Lay a foundation for future success by watching for team members with skills you lack. Make choices based on what you truly enjoy doing.


Open yourself to new and diverse spiritual experiences. See opportunities to love others (even romantically) as chances to be a channel for divine love. Every small blessing you receive is an expression of universal love; give thanks and embrace what life brings you.

The Lovers’ Symbols & Insights

The Angel

Whether seen as Cupid (in the Marseilles deck) or Eros (in the Rider–Waite–Smith-influenced decks), the influence of the angel draws the lovers together. If you were Cupid, whom might you bring together to resolve your challenge?

The Trees

Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil but were driven out of the Garden of Eden before they could partake of the Tree of Life and become “as gods.” Choices have consequences; note how Rider–Waite–Smith-influenced deck and the Marseilles deck all drive this point home.

The Serpent

An expert at manipulating loopholes, the Biblical serpent tempted Eve. In your situation, should you honor the letter or the spirit of the law?

The Wedding

Centuries ago, alchemists (the forefathers of modern chemists) used the phrase “the Alchemical Wedding” to describe the moment when long-divided opposites were brought together to create something new. They saw this reunion as a symbol for personal transformation and, eventually, enlightenment. What enlightenment might you achieve by bringing together opposing points of view?

The Players

Rider–Waite–Smith-influenced decks depict Adam and Eve. The Marseilles decks depict a young man making a choice between two women: a young wife and (depending on whom you ask) his mother or an older woman. Who are the players in your situation, and what choices do they face?

More About The Lovers Tarot Card

A new personal or professional relationship blossoms.
Sexual opportunities abound.
Unexpectedly, a friend becomes a lover.
Between May 21 and June 20
“I am open to love and am able to give and receive it freely.”
The lover / sexual awakening
Hebrew Alphabet
Numerology Number
(the adjustment: cooperation, collaboration, interaction)
Astrology Element
Astrology Sign
Obviously, Adam and Eve, who are depicted in Rider–Waite–Smith-influenced decks
Also Venus and Cupid, Aphrodite and Eros
The main character encounters a love interest or must choose between love and doing what is right.
Questions to Ask
What guides my choices?
What is my heart leading me to do?
How might this decision transform me as a person?
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