Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Eight of Pentacles tarot card image
Meaning Indicator


Eight of Pentacles’ Upright & Reversed Meanings

Eight of Pentacles (Reversed, Lacking)

Ideas: Automation, regimen, trial

Traits: Adaptable, experimental, flexible, imaginative, innovative, original, relaxed

Emotions: Contentment, hope, relief, satisfaction

  • Actions:
    • Changing up your routine
    • Experimenting with innovative ideas
    • Finding a regimen for your diet or workout
    • Improving your work–life balance
    • Seeking the work that is right for you
    • Taking a break to increase your productivity later
    • Using technology to perform repetitive tasks
Eight of Pentacles (Upright, Balanced)

Ideas: Craftsmanship, manual labor, repetition

Traits: Dedicated, dutiful, focused, hardworking, methodical, meticulous, neat, precise, thorough

Emotions: Eagerness, enjoyment, enthusiasm, optimism

  • Actions:
    • Attempting to do your best work
    • Building something with your hands
    • Growing your business for the long term
    • Making handmade gifts
    • Mastering your craft
    • Taking care of the small details
Eight of Pentacles (Upright, Excessive)

Ideas: Dullness, humdrum, tediousness

Traits: Conservative, conventional, fixed, narrow-minded, petty, rigid

Emotions: Annoyance, frustration, irritation, neglect

  • Actions:
    • Continuing in a job you do not like anymore
    • Doing only what you are good at
    • Getting through boring chores
    • Neglecting areas of life except career
    • Refusing to be ahead of your time
    • Tiring yourself out unknowingly with non-stop work

Eight of Pentacles’ Advice

Personal Growth

Instead of just getting by, a mature person recognizes that every project and every interaction is a reflection of character. What would recent projects say about you? With an eye towards improving your image and reputation, how might your work and speech need to change?


Discover what your partner loves or needs and make a special effort to deliver those gifts, words, or service on a regular basis. Consider the value of a handmade gift. Partners should look for ways to demonstrate their dedication to each other. Busy? Make sure a request from your partner or friend rises to the top of your “To Do” list.


All too often, compressed schedules demand we do “just enough.” Today, try going beyond the bare minimum. Add that extra touch. Devote a little personal time to completing your work. Even if the task is an ordinary one, strive to make today’s product extraordinary. Others may not notice the difference—but you will.


Rituals can feel silly, and formal prayer can feel stiff and unnatural. Today, though, invest a little extra time and energy into your spiritual observations. Choose something to wear that reflects your faith. Acquire a special item for a home altar. Be in the moment, devoting extra attention to the small details of your faith.

Eight of Pentacles’ Symbols & Insights

The Devoted Craftsman

Rider–Waite–Smith-inspired versions of this card often show an isolated worker carving a number of shiny new pentacles. Note how he loses himself in his work! What might happen if you shunned distraction, isolated yourself, and focused yourself entirely on the work at hand?

One Coin at a Time

Our friend on many versions of this card has several coins hanging on the doorpost but he can only make one coin at a time. What small step can you take right now towards realizing a larger plan?

Getting Lost in the Work

In the rush to complete a project, we can easily lose our connection with the simple pleasure of work done well. How can you start taking pleasure in the process?

The Marseilles Image

Eight Coins have been arranged in two precisely balanced rows of four. The arrangement looks deliberate; someone worked hard to move each Coin into perfect alignment. When your work is done, what evidence will there be of your own dedication to perfection?

More About Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card

Stop over-analyzing, researching, and outlining.
Buckle down and get the work done.
Between August 23 and September 1
“I give myself wholeheartedly to the task of the moment.”
Numerology Number
(the action: movement, outer work, swiftness)
Astrology Element
Astrology Planet in Sign
Sun in Virgo
The main character is shown to be the very best at his or her chosen vocation.
Questions to Ask
How long has it been since you were “lost in your work?”
How can you improve your level of dedication and focus?
What work do you do best? What about that work appeals to you?
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