Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Knight of Pentacles tarot card image
Meaning Indicator


Knight of Pentacles’ Upright & Reversed Meanings

Knight of Pentacles (Reversed, Lacking)

Ideas: Deliverable, downtime, reward

Traits: Anticipative, appreciative, honest, punctual, relaxed, reliable, responsible

Emotions: Contentment, gladness, hope, relief, satisfaction

  • Actions:
    • Completing your invention
    • Delivering on your promise
    • Determining what services you are good at providing
    • Rewarding yourself for your hard work
    • Scheduling downtime
    • Taking smarter risk
Knight of Pentacles (Upright, Balanced)

Ideas: Compass, realism, safety measures

Traits: Dutiful, loyal, obedient, prudent, purposeful, serious, steady

Emotions: Caring, eagerness, optimism, tenderness

  • Actions:
    • Confirming the direction before proceeding
    • Finding creative ways to make do with resources on hand
    • Going for facts rather than good feelings
    • Knowing where every dollar goes
    • Paying close attention to physical or financial details
    • Taking safety measures
Knight of Pentacles (Upright, Excessive)

Ideas: Busy schedule, overwork, tardiness

Traits: Distractible, perfectionist, petty, rigid, slow, strong-willed, strict

Emotions: Annoyance, disappointment, frustration, irritation

  • Actions:
    • Failing to arrive in time
    • Following the plan exactly despite unforeseen circumstances
    • Getting overwhelmed by busy schedule
    • Obsessing on tiny physical or financial details
    • Overworking your resources
    • Suppressing your physical needs

Knight of Pentacles’ Advice

Personal Growth

There’s a fine line between caution and pessimism. Believe in yourself and what you hope to achieve; at the same time, be sure to attend to the “doing” that leads to “having.” Encourage progress by keeping a physical reminder of upcoming rewards close at hand.


Relationships, like investments, should pay dividends. Your investment of time, attention, and affection should be returned by your friends and partners. Taking care of others is admirable; take care of yourself, too. Watch for creative ways to enjoy time together without spending money.


Keep an eye on the bottom line. Some times call for penny-pinching. At other times, growth many depend on generosity. There’s satisfaction in delivering a final, physical product. Keep an eye on the goal. Keep your commitments. Tackle big projects one step at a time.


Avoid taking a guru’s claims at face value. Weigh any guidance received on the scales of your heart. Take spiritual advice (including advice from this book) with great caution and deliberation. Find practical, physical, creative ways to express your spiritual insights.

Knight of Pentacles’ Symbols & Insights

The Precious Pentacle

Many versions of this card show a knight apparently hypnotized by the pentacle in his hand. Once you’ve attained the object of your quest, caution is required to protect, maintain, and preserve what you’ve won—but remember, too, that regarding something too highly is the best way to render it useless.

The Unmoving Horse

In many decks, the Knight of Coin’s horse stands as rigid and still as a statue. There’s a difference between proceeding with caution and allowing yourself to become paralyzed by pessimism. What do you need in order to get moving again?

Saving versus Spending

Knights embody extremes. The Knight of Pentacles could be a miser or a spendthrift, depending on which way his energy flows. What would a miser do? What might a spendthrift do? And might there be some middle ground worth pursuing?

The Marseilles Image

The well-grounded Marseilles Knight of Coins rides boldly forward, chasing a Coin that somehow always manages to remain just out of reach. To what extent might you also be chasing “castles in the sky?” How well-grounded are your own plans and methods? How might an emphasis on the practical speed your progress towards your goals?

More About Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card

A stingy person may chide you for spending money.
Be prepared to defend an economic or sexual decision.
Between April 11 and May 10
“I temper my actions with cautious optimism.”
Astrology Element
Air of Earth
The Knight of Pentacles can represent anyone who wants to lead the way (Knight) to greater physical and financial success (Pentacles). The Knight may also represent the tendency to be more cautious than adventuresome, or a compulsive desire to avoid risk by obsessing on tiny logistical or physical details.
The main character takes a tentative first step towards a new solution.
Questions to Ask
What’s the difference between caution and fear?
How can I evaluate the practicality of my own ideas and methods?
How realistic are my goals?
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